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Aldep Automated Layout Design Program: A Case Study of Its Use in a Production Floor


Create citation alert 1757-899X/528/1/012062 Abstract Different computerized algorithms are used to assist the layout planner in generating alternate layout. CRAFT (Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique) has been developed to improve an existing layout, while ALDEP (Automated Layout Design Program) is a construction layout. The improvement given by ALDEP over CRAFT technique was found to reduce annual material handling cost by 23% [1]. This study hypothesize that better result could be gained by combined two algorithms rather than their independent application. The hypothesis is verified by taking layout problems of CV Aji Jaya Mandiri. The objective of the study is to get the optimal layout of CV Aji Jaya Mandiri using ALDEP and followed by improving it with CRAFT. ALDEP based on the value of proximity (total closeness rating). The layout resulted from ALDEP is improved by exchanging machines positions. The newly layout obtained by ALDEP is compared with the result layout improved by CRAFT. There are two criteria for comparing the layout: material handling cost taken from MHES (material handling evaluation sheet), and the manufacturing lead time or processing time using Promodel simulation. The material handling cost of the layout resulted by CRAFT was decreased by 6,24%, that is mean that CRAFT was improved the layout effectively. The result of simulation showed the manufacturing lead time of the improved layout decreased 23 minutes. Layout evaluation using Adjacency Based Scoring for the CRAFT layout increase 15% compare with the initial layout so it was selected as the best layout. This study concluded that combined use of computerized layout design algorithms provides better result,

SmartDraw includes plant layout templates to help you get started. You can make facility layouts, building plans, gym layouts, commercial buildings, clinic layouts, office floor plans, industrial buildings, sports facility designs, and much more.

Aldep Automated Layout Design Program.epub



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